
Showing posts from 2019

Love Yourself Era

I just realized that it has been 2 years since I entered this world.  It was the love yourself era,  DNA or Mic drop era or sometimes I call them. A different world where in before it used to be "weird " for me to look at these K-Pop idols but it changed when I met these 7 humble boys from Korea. This time it opened my eyes to a world I never imagined exists.  The lyrics to their songs pushed me to believe they are genius, they are not ordinary, they know how to get inside our hearts. Anybody can relate. Another one is the BU.  This makes your mind blown for days when you start reading those theories that surrounds their MVs. I was mesmerized and thought what the heck am I getting into.  But hey yeah, once you get in, there's no turning back. Here I am now,  drowned into this world,  a world where I realized that I can accept my own flaws, my imperfections makes me who I am and that is okay.  How they manage to influence people to love their individualites and do